How To Re Grout Tiles
Run the tool guides between the tiles and grind through the old grout. Clean and leave to dry. How To Regrout Tile 13 Steps With Pictures Wikihow Apply the caulk gently to the cracks smoothing it down with a plastic spoon. How to re grout tiles . Once youve chosen your preferred grout apply it to the tiles using a grout spreader. Using a lightly dampened sponge wipe down all of your joints and surrounding tiles. Then you mix up some new grout and apply it to the tile with a grout float and clean it up with a sponge. Make sure that the grout is packed in well. You want to do this gently so you dont disturb your new joints but with enough moisture that youre cleaning up excess grout. How to Re Grout a Tile. First remove all loose and cracked grout with a grout saw or Dremel tool. Pour a little hydrogen peroxide onto the grout lines and use a grout brush to work it in for a few seconds. Allow twenty minutes to an hour for the grout to dry completely. Then po...