Chimney Charcoal Starters
The fire from the cubes will begin burning the charcoal and the flames will grow upwards from there. Read on to find out what they can do for you and how to use one properly. Char Griller Charcoal Chimney Starter 9586 The Home Depot Set the lighter cubes on the charcoal grate and light them. Chimney charcoal starters . These easy-to-use devices resemble a small chimney that you light atop your grill. Plug it in and take it out in 7-10 minutes. A wide variety of chimney charcoal starter options are available to you such as 1kg 3kg and 1-2kg. A chimney starter works by allowing air through vents that surround unlit charcoal while fire is applied at the bottom of the starter. Ill begin with what the tool is and the purpose of it. You can make your own with items you probably have lying around the house already. Watch as Chef Tony teaches how to use a chimney starter to start your charcoal grill. When the coals are heated thoroughly you pour them into the grill and be...