
Showing posts with the label clay

Clay Chimney Flue

Homeowners that value traditional materials consider installing a new clay liner. Cleaning your chimney at least once each year depending on how often you use it it could save you from the disaster of a chimney fire. Heatshield Chimney Flue Liner Smoke Chamber Repair Systems Superior Clay manufactures a complete line of vitrified clay flue liners from 3 to 36 diameters in round flue liners and from 4x8 to 24x24 in square and rectangular flue liners. Clay chimney flue . Thus they present an easily-attachable surface for smoke and chimney soot. Flue area is typically about 110 the fireplace opening area for square flues and about 112 for round flues. 13 x 13 Clay Flue. The most common reason a clay flue cracks is due to a chimney fire. They help protect the chimney walls from heat and minimize condensation. For chimney pots this ratio is often reduced to 115 120. Socket type joints and self aligning joints are available in round flue liners. This short video will wa...