Clean Latex Paint Brush
The first step to successfully cleaning a brush thats been exposed to latex-based paint is to make sure the brush stays wet with paint throughout the duration of its use. If your house is on a public sewer system you can clean the brushes in your sink. Simple Ways To Clean Latex Paint From A Brush With Pictures Pick up a can of brush cleaner at a paint or hardware store and pour some into a glass or metal container. Clean latex paint brush . How to Clean Latex Paint Off Your Paintbrushes - YouTube. Prepare soapy water and pour into a clean container. Purchase a solvent-based brush cleaner. Rinse out the Brush. This method is very simple and does not require many ingredients either. Cleaning latex paint To keep your paint brush from drying out so its not a single-use item be sure to rinse the brush thoroughly and check your work throughout. Do not dip a dirty brush directly in the solvents original container. Dont ever leave a wet paintbrush out to dry. Cleaning wa...