How To Kill Ant Colony
The best time for controlling an ant colony with boiling water is after rainfall or on a cool sunny morning when the ants are close to the surface of the mound. Borax works by gradually killing the ants after they ingest it and because most ants bring back the fruits of their labour to their colony to feed their larvae and their queen this method of using borax will kill the ants and destroy the colony from the inside out. Get Rid Of Carpenter Ants Naturally If you see ants wipe them up with a solution of 50-50 vinegar and water or straight vinegar. How to kill ant colony . By hiring a professional company that guarantees their services you can rest assured that they will continue to treat your property until all signs of an ant colony are eliminated. The water permeates through the mound and destroys many ants inside and with luck the queen is also destroyed. Many different types of ant colonies can be controlled with the use of ant baits and non-repellent ant sprays. If ...