Hanging Flat Screen Tv
Naturally many people who prioritized and purchased furniture with a certain shape and size of tube TV in mind now have to change their ideas when fitting a flat panel. Since the area of the wall that I wanted to hang the TV did not line-up with wall studs I had to insert 2 ledger boards mounted against the wall studs so that I was able to place the TV mount exactly where I wanted the TV to go. How To Mount A Flat Screen Tv And Hide Cords Inside The Wall Sawdust Sisters Hang the flat screen on the wall mount by fitting the brackets in place. Hanging flat screen tv . Ad Search Faster Better Smarter Here. How to Hide All Wires Now lets turn our attention to the bottom module. Now I am ready to hang the TV. Another spin on this method would be to hang the television between two. Because of this the location you choose will need a stud or two to anchor the screws. First screw the brackets to the TV following the instructions. Whether youre interested in hanging your f...