
Showing posts with the label rainwater

Collecting Rainwater Illegal

While it is true that some states have made it illegal to collect rainwater the situation has been exaggerated to some extent online. According to the National Conference of West Legislatures Texas and Ohio are among the states who are paying close attention to the issue of whether its illegal to collect rainwater and the rights to water. Is It Illegal To Collect Rainwater Some of these restrictions believe that the harvesting would disrupt rains natural flow back into streams and bodies of water on the Earth. Collecting rainwater illegal . There are no existing rainwater harvesting laws. This law also allows remote guzzlers for wildlife that hold up to 20000 gallons with a capture area no more than an acre. Rhode Island Texas and Virginia encourage residents to collect rainwater by offering a tax credit or exemption for equipment purchased for rainwater harvesting. States are not as open to the idea as others. Colorado allows only a total of 110 gallons while Illinois per...