
Showing posts with the label cluster

Cluster Flies In House

Cluster flies have short yellow or golden coloured hairs on their thorax. Its easy to mistake any large fly for a house fly but cluster flies are visibly different. Cluster Flies Unh Extension They usually go unnoticed until one warm winter day when they are fooled into. Cluster flies in house . Cluster flies are a bit darker and have dark and light chequered pattern on their abdomen which house flies or bottle flies do not have. The house fly sized Pollenia rudis and the fruit fly sized Thaumatomyia notata. Cluster fly larvae develop inside earthworms living in the ground outside of homes. Adult cluster flies are dark grey in colour 8 to 10 mm long and have numerous golden or yellowish hairs on thorax. Cluster flies are light and dark grey striped flies that gather inside your home around doors and windows. Cluster flies are thought to be native to Europe and may have found their way to North America in the ballast of ships containing soil and the cluster fly host earthwo...